Saturday, January 4, 2014

Hide 'N' Seek with Sugar!

A game you can win!
It's no mystery that sugar resides in treats like candies, pastries, and soft drinks, but you know that it's also hiding in foods like breads, dressings, and lunch meats?

Most processed foods contain hidden sugar.  Check the labels on chip bags, cracker boxes, and even low-fat packaged foods, and if an ingredient ends in "ose" (e.g. dextrose) or if the word "syrup" appears (e.g. corn syrup), it's sugar.

Without proper oral care, sugar can lead to cavities and gum disease, and a high intake can cause obesity and an increased risk for heart disease and type-2 diabetes.  In fact, the American Heart Association recommends a maximum of just 6-9 teaspoons of sugar a day - about the amount in one can of soda!

We can't avoid sugar altogether, but armed with knowledge and willpower, we can reduce our intake for the sake of our mouth and our health!

Taken from our Winter 2013/2014 Newsletter!   #chambersburgdentist #chambersburgdentalcare 

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